Somewhere after passing through the Cederberg, and after leaving Sutherland – a place hard fought for through an eleven hour drive off-road and cresting over a spectacular unmarked pass that sends gravel and dust skidding down onto the desert floor far below – and after Augrabies with its truly impressive display of what happens when you take force A (the Orange river) and constrict it with gap B (the sheer rock walls of the Fish River Canyon) in the middle of a desert, I had an epiphany. Continue reading
6 comments | tags: Augrabies, brands, Cape Winelands, De Beers, Invictus, Mandela, Richtersveld, story-telling, Sutherland, Toyota | posted in Brands & Culture

A few weeks back I spent a weekend in the gorgeous, drama-filled arid landscape of the Cederberg about 3 hours north of Cape Town running alongside the Karoo in an area called the Koue Bokkeveld (translation: Cold Goat Field –really?) with my other half who is an avid bare-foot mountain guide – but that’s a different story. Continue reading
4 comments | tags: Advertising, brands, coca-cola, marketing | posted in Brands & Culture