
Last Tuesday evening the barefoot mountain guide and I were home doing nothing particularly out of the ordinary since, like most South Africans I think, we’re in the post World Cup slump – all cheered out and budgets blown completely. He was cooking supper for us and I was hovering unhelpfully in the kitchen as I do. Continue reading
no comments | tags: a lot of changes, an ordinary Tuesday, balcony, Ordinary Time, perspective, post World Cup slump, regain perspective, step back, step onto the balcony of your life, watch your life like a movie, when nothing specific is going on, when you've invested a lot, Worldwide Photo Walk Green Point | posted in Life stuff

9am on Monday morning and finally on a plane en route to Cape Town, having already forced myself out of bed far too early, braved an icy Highveld winter morning and Fourways traffic (which I sincerely do not miss!), bought a dodgy luminous yellow poppy-seed muffin at Lanseria airport and spilled tea on myself. Twice. Tea in a paper cup is always suspect, as any good Tea Master will tell you. Just don’t do it. Continue reading
2 comments | tags: Argentina vs Mexico, Confed Cup, FIFA brand lessons, FIFA Soccer World cup game, great logistics in Soccer city, Joburg, Maradonna, Soccer City, toilet paper on the field, yellow-jackets of security | posted in Brands & Culture
My body is convinced I’ve lost the plot. They tell me that’s what happens with jetlag, but I really think that it might be more than that at this stage – I suspect a revolt is imminent. The barefoot mountain guide & I got back from a two week visit to Canadia (yes, that’s right – Canadia. So that “Canadian” makes more sense) last week and we’re still hovering somewhere over the Rockies time-wise. Continue reading
3 comments | tags: Air Canada, be memorable, be real., be single-minded, Beavers Tails, Bison steak, British Columbia, Bubble tea, Canada, Canadia, cold, differentiation, Dragonfruit, Earth Friendly, make choices, Mocha, naivete, outdoors lifestyle, Rockies, tell the story well, Vancouver, Victoria | posted in Brands & Culture
I live in a new city. Or rather, I live in a city new to me. In November last year I moved from Joburg to Cape Town, a move most Capetonians applaud in the same spirit as one would applaud a rescue from the arctic. Continue reading
3 comments | tags: Cape Town, family outing, fishing, focus on one aspect of a brand only, Know your brand, Know your consumer, Make communication a focus., picnic, rock-climbing, Silvermine, Table Mountain National Park | posted in Brands & Culture
Last week, in celebration of having finished my yoga teachers training course, the Barefoot Mountain Guide and I climbed on board the Shosholoza Premier Classe train at Park Station in Joburg, and took a leisurely 24 hour ride through the wondrously green Karoo back home to CT. Continue reading
6 comments | tags: brand lessons, Shosholoza Meyl Premier Classe, Trains | posted in Brands & Culture