
This past weekend the Bare-foot Mountain Guide and I went to the Karoo. The Klein Karoo, to be precise, because the Barefoot Mountain Guide is also a Barefoot Dominee (Minister, in translation) who has left much of his churchiness in his previous life but still does ceremonies for those looking to mark important days in their own special way.
So in order to be near to the wedding venue in a nearby private game reserve, we decided to make our base in Barrydale at the Barrydale Hotel, no less. With a capital “H”. Continue reading
4 comments | tags: Barrydale, Barrydale Hotel, Country Pumpkin, Fab Deli, Karoo creatures, Karoo landscapes, Karoo people, Klein Karo, letting go of the chaff, Magpie, Mez, Route 62, Spaces in Robertson, wind | posted in Life stuff

A year ago, two things happened. I packed up my life and moved to Cape Town, and mid packing my uncle died. I only had one uncle, but had I had more, he would still have been my favourite.
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1 comment | tags: how time flies, little red books, love fiercely, moving to Cape Town, personal rituals, the arc of change, the challenges of change, Uncle | posted in Life stuff

At the foot-end of our bed is a modern wooden cube-styled wooden table on which I keep things I like to look at and that make me think.
It occurred to me yesterday that we easily judge people by what they have in their houses, and what they choose to put on display. It’s kind of an extension of Winston Churchill’s thinking when he said “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” We shape the spaces we exist in, and thereafter they often define and shape who we are, and I suspect who people think we are too.
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no comments | tags: brand names, names for businesses, Naming brands, product names, service names. | posted in Brands & Culture

A couple of weekends ago my paternal unit’s paradoxical fascination (he hates flying) with the highest fastest craziest pilots and planes got the better of us and we all got up at sparrows to join the trail of cars heading towards Ysterplaat Airforce Base, located between Century City and Brooklyn in a strange amalgam of new South African areas.
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5 comments | tags: AAD 2010, ask around, breathing in or out, DC6 Cargo plane, do something different, do the opposite, don't forget to breathe., Gripen, helicopters, remember you have a team, Silver Falcons, Ysterplaat Airforce Base | posted in Brands & Culture

On Sunday evening my barefoot man and I took his barefoot fox terrier, Phoebe, down to the beach at the end of a beautiful day. The sun was nearing setting and, having been slightly softened by the hazy streaks of clouds across the whole sky all day, glowed as if lit from within and sent out a broad golden stream of light across the sea to us as we sat on the beach at Pringle Bay and watched.
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14 comments | tags: busy-ness, forethought for business, Pringle Bay, slow Sunday, Slowing down, so busy, stop to think, time to connect, time to sit and think | posted in Life stuff