A friend recently asked for my views on whether to look for a new job or take the plunge into working for herself given some changing dynamics in the business she’s in and it was a fascinating thing to watch myself with. My initial reaction was to avoid the question for a few days – my own decision was made so unexpectedly and almost entirely based on intuition that I’m not sure I’m qualified to help someone make it thoughtfully!
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A couple of weeks ago I became a lecturer. Just a part-time one, for one post-grad course at UCT’s Film & Media School, but a lecturer, nonetheless! It’s been one of those things that always hovered on the edge of my “to do” list for life, and being an academic is one of my alternate universe tracts having split off when I left a Masters scholarship behind at Rhodes, and took myself off to the terrors of Business School and Joburg. So all things considered, this is a much more exciting and special event than it may seem at first reading.
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Not too long ago I bought a dress. It is understated, navy blue, short sleeved and just above the knee. It’s fairly demure but also light and cool and great for meetings in the heat of summer. So when Cape Town doused us with some crazy early spring heat I got it out and wore it all day with much happiness. In the evening I added leggings as spring evenings cool down fast and went off to dinner with my barefoot husband and a friend.
As we parked and got out of the car the barefoot husband looked at me and exclaimed, “Oh!”, pause, “That dress looks much better with the pants on.”
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As you’ve probably heard me say before, I have a barefoot husband. He doesn’t make a big deal of it, or do it for any reason other than it’s more comfortable and practical for him, but it does seem to make most people do a double-take – at least the first time they see or meet him.
Especially on the mountain.
Especially when running on the mountain.
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